JOITL Vol. 5, No. 1 (2021)

Table of Contents


Nontraditional Prospective Teachers: Motivations, Goals and Mathematical Knowledge Differences among Identified Typologies

Margareta M. Thomson, PhD & Valerie N. Faulkner, PhD, NC State University

Comparing Teaching Methods in an Environmental Education Field Trip Program

Michelle K. Pearce, MAEd,  The North Carolina Arboretum, and Tammy D. Lee, PhD, East Carolina University

Indian Education: Opening a space for digital storytelling

Tiffany M. Locklear and Frances D. Hunt, UNC-Pembroke

Engineering After-School Program with Elementary Preservice Teachers and K-8 Students

Dr. Jennifer Cribbs, Oklahoma State University, Dr. Jeanine Huss, and Dr. Julia Mittelberg, Western Kentucky University

Elementary Science Teachers Adapt Their Practice During a Pandemic

Tammy Dutton Lee, Mark Newton and Bonnie Glass, East Carolina University

Fostering Interest in and Motivation for STEM: An Illustrative Case Study of Middle Grade Students’ Experiences in Out of School (OST) STEM Activities

Rebecca Hite, Ph.D. and David Taylor, Ph.D., Texas Tech University

New Research on Teacher Leadership in Schools: Efficacy of a survey method for analyzing multiple dimensions of leadership

Rolf Blank, Director of Research and Evaluation at STEM K-12 Research