What was the highlight of my week at NCCAT?

It was awesome on so many levels!!!! If I had to answer with just one word I would say “people.”  Then the levels come into play.  The administration of the Kenan Program, the administration of NCCAT, the returning Kenan Fellows, the 2014-15 Class of Kenan Fellows and most especially the group that are working in our region.  All were wonderful to be around and are dynamic in their own area of expertise. Every few years, I try to recharge my batteries by meeting new people or doing new things. I am recharged for the next several years by connecting with many of the members.   This is one of the first times I know I will see such a diverse group again and we will be able to discuss where we have gone, the commonalities and differences.  It is so exciting and I can’t to see what happens in July (Raleigh.) Now for the secondary items. The mountains were lovely and a change from the hot Sandhills. The air changed after we exited the Piedmont. The technology piece let us know where we could go with our students without some of the LEA constraints. I hope to use the ice breakers in a larger fashion but definitely early in the year.   Of course it was nice to be pampered! Saturday was spent doing clothes and Sunday was for getting ready to begin the new week at Mertek.  Now, I will go with gusto and have a clearer idea of what needs to happen.  Once again to everyone involved, “Thanks for a great week of learning and fun!”