School is back in session! It has only been one week, but I have already done things a lot different than I have my first three years, and I have Kenan Fellows to thank for it.

First Day of School

I was inspired by the program and other Kenan Fellows to switch up my normal “rows” in class, to actually working in groups. This is really out of my comfort zone, but I knew it had to be done. In the past, I have kept my students in rows mainly because I taught Math as well. However, I only teach science this year, so I feel it would be best to keep my students in groups. I did start off the year with my students in rows, but I taught procedures to switch back and forth between rows and groups! We are now in groups!!

Before Groups!


I have also been inspired to take my interactive notebooks to the next step. I had supplies donated to my classroom from Donor’s Choose, a website I learned about through my Kenan Fellows program. I received copy paper, colored pencils, glue, construction paper, and a book to help me through the process. This book was referred to me by another Kenan Fellow. I cannot wait to incorporate the strategies in my interactive notebooks!

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I have already incorporated an activity that I learned at NCCAT in the “Engineering in the Middle School Classroom”. I had my students to build the tallest tower that they could out of pipe cleaners. The students had 2 minutes to complete this task as a group. While they were completing the activity, I took away 2 pipe cleaners. I then told them that they could not use their dominate hand. Finally, I told them that they could not speak English, which automatically meant to middle school students that they should talk gibberish as loud as they could! In the end, I told them that the point of the activity was not about building the tallest tower, but I then talked to them about failure in science and how it is ok. Obstacles may come up, but never give up! I put my own spin on the activity and taught about group roles and had them come up with group “norms”.


Building a Pipe Tower Activity


I am looking forward to implementing my actually Kenan Lesson!!! I will be completing it in a week and a half! I have already prepared a presentation I will show them before. I am beyond excited to look for my students’ mites!



This school year is going to be epic!

Back to School! Lessons Learned from Kenan Fellows