Blog: Describe the goals of your internship as they relate to your work as an educator.

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Hello World!!!!

What a tremendous first week it was!!!  I was able to meet some very interesting people while at Lenoir Memorial Hospital.  LMH has been gracious to structure my internship in such a way as I am able to see both the patient care as well as the support structure that assists in providing for patient care.

As my Middle School will be getting a  STEM lab this coming year, I will be working to develop STEM curriculum based on my experiences here at the hospital.  I feel that I have a unique perspective due to the duality of the internship and that I will be able to develop content that focuses not only on the hard sciences of biology and mathematics, but also incorporate elements of logical rational thinking, soft skills, and an application to the students day to day life.  When content becomes relevant to the student, knowledge acquisition and synthesis occurs at a much higher rate.

To quote C.S. Lewis; “Onward and Upward!”


Stay tuned!