Blog: You are creating a product that transfers your internship experience into educational resources. Please describe the challenges and successes you are experiencing.

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Challenges: Hospitals are large, complex organizations that have a certain duality in regard to patient care.  On one hand there is the practical application of patient care, specifically the interaction between the patient and their healthcare provider.  On the other there are all of the support structures that support that healthcare provider in their ability to do their job.  It is the ability of these two structures to work together that provides for exceptional patient care.  In regard to the product that I am creating, one of the challenges I face is analyzing the underlying concepts within patient care and patient support and creating a similar conceptual framework for my lesson.  Incorporating STEM into the content is not doing a science experiment, but rather demonstrating a concept through that scientific experiment.

Successes:  One of the great successes that I have had has been the access to consummate professionals in the hospital setting. For example, when I was working in Central Services (the department within the hospital that takes care of both sterilization and stocking of all non-pharmaceutical medical supplies) I was able to gain an in-depth understanding from the department head about the sterilization process that was used at the hospital, and was given assistance in developing a lesson that used the same concepts.