This fellowship has changed me in so many ways. One of the first ways is the way I view community members coming in to work with students. i can see how much of an affect community members can have on students. I am able to implement collaborative group work more effectively and with more assurance. I was not the biggest fan of “group” work.
Among my peers, I am more of an influential leader. Everyone knows that I will share what I know and am willing to help in any way that I can. The fellowship has opened doors for me that I would have otherwise seen as closed. I like the fact that I am able to put a teacher in contact with someone who may be able to work with them or help them out. The connections I have made with other members is priceless. Sharing class experiences, bouncing ideas off of one another, and problem solving together is something you don’t let go. In this sense, the fellowship has encouraged us to reach out to others.
As far as talents and careers, I love to explore new ideas. There is much that I did not know about that I am familiar with now. i am still learning everyday how to incorporate new ideas and instructional strategies within the classroom. Students are able to make a connection with the content to a life career. I will never forget this experience because it has helped me to grow into a better teacher. It has helped me to understand learning and the many ways it can take place.