Waterway work!

The goals of my internship are to increase my leadership skills, relate the curriculum more effectively to my students and increase community involvement in the schools. Observing my mentor in all aspects of his job will help me to gain valuable leadership skills that I can then use in my new position as assistant principal. By using information and data gained from my internship I can then relate the curriculum to what I learned to my students. I will also be able to build relationships with many local community members in which I can then use to help increase the involvement of the community in the schools. By accomplishing these goals I will increase my effectiveness as an educator, which in turn will positively affect the students of Greene County.
For the past 6 years I have been a 5th grade teacher at Greene County Intermediate School. I have taught all subjects including Social Studies, ELA, Math and Science. I have recently accepted a position as assistant principal at West Greene Elementary in Greene County and will be starting July 1st.
I wanted to become a Kenan Fellow because I thought it was a great opportunity for me to enhance the effectiveness of my teaching and being a leader. During my internship, I would like to gain more leadership qualities that I will learn from my mentor, use the information I learn through my internship to relate the curriculum more effectively to my students and make connections with local community members that I can use to enhance community involvement in the schools of Greene County. In doing all of this it should help increase student achievement, increase the communities involvement in the school and help me become a more effective leader.
The week we spend at NCCAT was extremely informational and beneficial for all educators that attended. In my new role as assistant principal I plan on implementing the strategies I learned during our breakout sessions on Tuesday about data. Greene County is full of data and it will be important that I am able to communicate the importance of the data and how to better use it to affect instruction/relationships.
The session on culture was probably my least favorite because I believe it was not as beneficial for a classroom teacher as the rest of the presentations. I do believe it is an important topic and something all educators can learn from, but in this particular instance it was not related to the classroom.
Spending a week at NCCAT was easily the most beneficial professional development I have ever attended. Most PD is centered around what the school wants, but at NCCAT it was scheduled around what the participants wanted.
The best session all week was the EDcamps. The whole session was beneficial because it was professional development that was ran by teachers. Being able to communicate and collaborate as professionals instead of being presented to was a pleasure.
As I begin my internship with the local NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) I am excited to work with professionals outside of my norm. I will be working with two government officials on cost share projects for farmers to implement. I look forward to learning about the process and implementation of these projects. I also look forward to learning about the day-to-day work of my mentors.
Being a Kenan Fellow will enhance my educational career because it will help me learn the skills companies and organizations are looking for in future employees. I will then be able to teach these skills and characteristics to the students that I work with. It will also provide me networking opportunities where I can learn different strategies to implement with my students.