Chelsea Berg is an environmental scientist with a background in outdoor education, art, and storytelling. Her current research focuses on the intersection of public health and ecosystem services, but she’s put it aside for three months to man the helm of EPA’s Community Engagement and STEM Education Program in RTP. Both of her jobs emphasize communication, and she’s had the opportunity to participate in Alan Alda workshops, an Edward Tufte course, and the National Academy of Sciences’ Science of Science Communication meeting. Her previous work at EPA focused on maps for community use. Ask her about data visualization, poster design, systems science, scuba diving and the difference between science translation and translational science. Prior to joining EPA, Berg worked as an outdoor educator in Tennessee and the Florida Keys, a watershed association fellow in Maine, and a graduate research assistant in New Hampshire. She earned a BS degree in Environmental Studies with a Biology Concentration and an MS degree in Environmental Science & Policy from Plymouth State University, NH.