Thinking Outside the (Fuse) Box

Discover the various strides being made in alternative energy research in Sampson County, NC.

You must hold or plan to receive a master’s degree or higher before June 2014 in order to be considered for this project.

Sampson County has historically been and continues to be a predominantly agricultural area. Like other industry sectors, those working in agriculture have seen the need to consider new and innovative fuel sources as a way of limiting production cost. Home to several farms and industries looking at the viability alternative energy, Sampson County is at the forefront of the research to find both affordable and sustainable energy sources.

In this particular fellowship, you will spend a portion of the summer with mentors conducting research on alternative energy sources, and exploring how this research may potentially transform Sampson County’s economic outlook. The remainder of your summer will be spent with the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service, specifically Sampson County 4-H, planning and implementing workshops based on your experience to help convey the importance of alternative energy research to youth and educators in the county. Additionally, you will create a dynamic and engaging curriculum that translates your experience into authentic learning for students to be piloted in your classroom immediately following your externship.

This project will provide valuable insight into the future of alternative energy through the innovative research being conducted in Sampson County. Additionally, it will challenge you to not only view the content through a K-12 lens, but it will also ask you to consider the content’s delivery in an informal education environment. More importantly, your participation in this project will position you as a valuable resource to youth in Sampson County and North Carolina, regardless of educational context, on the issue of alternative energy sources.

In addition to the development of a new and innovative curriculum and working with your mentor, you will also work with a local Institution of Higher Education and/or your local school system to plan and implement workshops and trainings for either pre-service and/or beginning teachers. This will allow you to share your resources and experience with those preparing to enter the profession. This additional commitment will most likely occur after your externship has culminated. Because of the unique requirements of this grant-funded project, you will receive a total stipend of $10,000.


Amanda Bradshaw, _NC Cooperative Extension_

Summer Lanier, _Prestage Farms_

Michael Pope, _Prestage Farms_


Clinton, NC


NSF Noyce Master Teaching Scholarship Program