June 28, 2016 | Technology, Engineering and Design Manufacturing Primer By Amneris Solano Students will be working on math lessons that involve measurement, unit conversion, dimensional analysis, and percent error calculations. These skills are used routinely in manufacturing...
May 31, 2016 | Giving Them Wings: Middle School Math Lessons in Aviation By Amneris Solano Aviation themes excite students and help them become engaged in basic topics that are part of the focal points of the 7th Grade Math Common...
May 31, 2016 | Getting Started With Schoolyard Inquiries By Amneris Solano The lessons provide an easy-to-follow framework for getting started with inquiry-based instruction using the schoolyard as a classroom. Science and math objectives are integrated throughout...
May 18, 2016 | Measurements for My Groomsmen By Amneris Solano In the present day, all the different units we use for measurement are standardized. Every person knows precisely the length of a foot, or a...
January 5, 2016 | Activate Now: Your Active Minutes Explored By Amneris Solano Through this Project Based Learning unit, students will explore how to track exercise using the Fitbit One. They will also learn about the One Health...
January 5, 2016 | Sense the Sensors Around You By Amneris Solano In this lesson, students are going to look at sensors and how they are used in many applications. The lesson is connected to the STEM...