September 8, 2017 | Save a life, build a device! By Amneris Solano Students will design a hypothetical device that addresses a human disease caused by an inability of the patient’s body to successfully monitor and maintain appropriate...
August 23, 2016 | Exposing the Roots of Local Food Production By Amneris Solano In this unit, students will learn about the local foods movement and how they can make a positive difference in their health, economy, and environment...
August 18, 2016 | Experts and Efficiency By Amneris Solano A unit on Global Collaboration that uses the topic of Water Quality to teach the skills of a modern workplace. In this lesson, students will...
August 16, 2016 | Using Model Generators to Explore Alternative Energy By Amneris Solano Where does electricity come from? For many students, the answer is obvious: “an outlet!” However, when they are asked to trace the route to the...
August 16, 2016 | Engineering the Grid: Renewable Energy Resources By Amneris Solano In collaboration with the FREEDM Systems Center at NC State University and The Science House, Melaine Rickard developed curricula that highlights the importance of research...
August 16, 2016 | Molecular Biology: A Transgenic Mice Tale By Amneris Solano Advances in 21st century research and genetic engineering have made it possible to create new genetically modified organisms (GMO). This new technique of manipulating genetic...