August 8, 2018 | Magnetic Variables! By Amneris Solano This is a two-day lesson that incorporates direct instruction about variables with a hands-on experiment for students to conduct. The lesson teaches students about variables...
March 2, 2018 | 10 Easy Steps for Starting a S.T.E.M. Club By Brian Have you ever wondered how we can introduce elementary students to as much STEM curriculum as possible? Do you wish you could get help from...
February 13, 2018 | Over fishing and Aquaculture By Amneris Solano Students will be able to explain why overfishing has occurred in our oceans, describe the effects of overfishing on fish stocks, and create a plan...
September 14, 2017 | Cichlid Sex Determination – A DNA POGIL By Amneris Solano POGIL is an acronym for Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning. POGIL is a tool that allows for the simultaneous teaching of core content and higher-order...
September 14, 2017 | Let’s Learn About Stewardship and River Basins By Amneris Solano What affects the Rivers Basins more …. Humans, Farms, or Industries? Students will compare the water quality of different rivers in North Carolina. Students will...
September 14, 2017 | All Call to Take It Off the Grid By Amneris Solano Students will explore the the electric grid and smart grid. They will compare and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the current and future power...