September 14, 2017 | The Destination is the Conservation of Our Nation! By Amneris Solano This lesson is geared toward helping students understand the importance of conservation and stewardship practices. As aligned with the state standards issued by the Department...
September 14, 2017 | Solar Energy for Life By Amneris Solano In this lesson, students will use different types of materials to collect Solar Energy to stay warm and protected. The project will introduce the different...
September 14, 2017 | Exploring Circuitry Using Hands On Technology: Makey Makeys By Amneris Solano Students will learn basic circuit and electric component uses. They will be able to explore how current electricity moves in a circuit and how sensors...
September 14, 2017 | Little Sensors Collect Big Data By Amneris Solano Wearable devices are becoming more common each year. These devices come in many shapes, and carry out numerous functions. The website reported in 2014...
September 14, 2017 | Dough! Stick with it – A Recipe for Success? By Amneris Solano Students will explore the states of matter, and collaborate to design a recipe to make the perfect dough. They will need to use what they...
September 8, 2017 | It’s us or them: Weighing species extinction against human health By Amneris Solano In this multi-day project, students will play different roles as part of a team of experts deciding if several different species of disease transmitting animals...