September 14, 2017 | Little Sensors Collect Big Data By Amneris Solano Wearable devices are becoming more common each year. These devices come in many shapes, and carry out numerous functions. The website reported in 2014...
August 18, 2016 | Experts and Efficiency By Amneris Solano A unit on Global Collaboration that uses the topic of Water Quality to teach the skills of a modern workplace. In this lesson, students will...
August 18, 2016 | Using Google Sketch Up to Design a Wing for a Glider By Amneris Solano This lesson allows students design a wing for a standard glider and use Google Sketch Up to draw a 3D model of their glider. Students will...
August 18, 2016 | How do Wing Area, Wing Angle and Wing Camber Affect Lift? By Amneris Solano This lesson will allow students to use FoilSim software to explore how wing area, wing shape and wing angle affects the force of lift and...
August 18, 2016 | What are the Forces that Affect Flight? By Amneris Solano This lesson will give students the basic knowledge needed to understand airplanes and the forces that allow them to fly. Students will learn to calculate...
August 16, 2016 | Engineering the Grid: Renewable Energy Resources By Amneris Solano In collaboration with the FREEDM Systems Center at NC State University and The Science House, Melaine Rickard developed curricula that highlights the importance of research...