January 17, 2014 | Introduction to a Flight Computer By Randy Pinion This series of lessons focuses on exposing high school math students to relevant applications in the aviation industry. This is the first in the series...
November 20, 2013 | Literacy in Biology By Amneris Solano Literacy is an important aspect of science. To be literate in science means students are able to understand, read, and write in terms of science....
November 20, 2013 | I Declare Math By Amneris Solano In this activity students will compare one digit numbers and two digit numbers. Students will be able to define greater than, less than, or equal...
November 20, 2013 | 1 Fish, 10 Fish, Many Fish, Few Fish By Amneris Solano A Unit developed to understand the relationship of numbers and how numbers relate to the base ten number system. A students understanding of number sense...
November 20, 2013 | Physics of the Jet Engine By Amneris Solano Jet engines are commonly used to transport people and materials all over the world either by air- or water- craft in an efficient manner. They...
October 30, 2013 | Proto-ZOO-ology: A Problem-Based Protist Inquiry Unit Lesson 1: A Protist Protest By Amneris Solano Protists are used easily to examine classification systems, population diversity, life-sustaining processes, stimulus/response in the environment, and many other “big” concepts that are repeated when...