Fueling the Future of Renewable Energy

Join FREEDM Systems Center scientists and teachers as they create dynamic curriculum materials that highlight the importance of renewable energy research for students.

You will have unparalleled access to cutting-edge power engineering research as you collaborate with the Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) Systems Engineering Research Center at NC State University and The Science House to develop innovative classroom lessons supporting students’ knowledge and understanding of renewable energy.

Renewable energy resources can significantly improve U.S. energy security and independence, as well as global environmental sustainability. The FREEDM Systems Center studies the management of energy delivery through new batteries, capacitors, solid state transformers, post-silicon devices, electric vehicles, solar panels, and wind turbines.

You will join the FREEDM Systems Center in researching the use of devices to monitor and control power loads and explore the “smart grid” future including electric vehicles, wind turbines and solar panels.

Your studies will involve the implications to industry, society, and individuals of a grid incorporating renewable energy and how this aligns with Next Generation Science Standards, the Common Core, and state standards. Working with the FREEDM System Center’s content experts and scientists, you will translate your newfound knowledge into engaging lesson plans integrating science and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts for use across North Carolina.


Dr. Penny Jeffrey, NSF ERC FREEDM Systems Center, NC State University


Raleigh, NC


National Science Foundation – FREEDM Center, NC State University