What a ‘Grape’ Opportunity

Avoid simply learning about North Carolina’s booming grape and wine industry through the ‘grape vine’ and gain first-hand experience with the state’s oldest and world’s largest producer of muscadine wine.

The number of North Carolina wineries has doubled since 2005 and supports nearly 7,600 jobs in the state. The production of wine coupled with the industry’s thriving agritourism focus results in an economic impact of roughly $1.28 billion. One of the wineries leading the industry in the state is Duplin Winery located in Rose Hill, NC. Duplin Winery got its start in the early 1970’s and today produces over thirty-five assortments of wine, including some non-alcoholic varieties.

Partner with the experts at Duplin Winery to examine the
science, technological, engineering and mathematical-related
(STEM) opportunities that this field offers for students who may aspire to a career in agriculture, agritourism or biotechnology.

As part of the fellowship, you will:
• Collaborate with a number experts at Duplin Winery as you explore the many aspects of grape and wine production from cultivation to distribution;
• Select a specific area of interest and develop relevant and engaging STEM lessons designed to help students in K-12 school settings understand the science behind grape and wine production and to become better aware of numerous opportunities in the field; and
• Explore the economically significant and locally relevant connection between agriculture and tourism.

Join Duplin Winery on the leading edge of grape and wine production, and then translate your experience into dynamic and engaging curriculum.


Morgan Jackson, Duplin Winery


Rose Hill, NC


Golden LEAF Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center