Matthew Sears is a mathematics teacher at Hillside High School in Durham, where he has led Algebra I End of Course scores as both a first year and second year teacher. Matthew’s project, Algebra 1 for Everyone: Gaming in Mathematics, will allow middle and high school students will engage the NCSCOS’s Algebra 1 Objectives in an interactive, computer gaming environment. This highly realistic gaming experience is on par with games students play at home has students exploring worlds searching for characters in an environment that is mentally demanding and that focuses on delivering relevant examples of Algebra concepts–organization of data, geometry and measurement, modeling of linear equations. A priority is placed on making these games culturally relevant for all of North Carolina’s students. This project is part of the Hi-Fives (Highly Interactive Fun Internet Virtual Environments in Science) Grant under Dr. Len Annetta of NC State University. Dr. P. Masila Mutisy of NC Central University is Matthew’s mentor.