Lesson Plan: Creating a Classroom Climate for Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical thinking

Through these lessons, students will develop team skills with a focus on how to effectively communicate and collaborate and build critical thinking and creativity known as the 4Cs in education.

In this project, students will work to improve their communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking (4Cs in education) skills while exploring the field of biotechnology. Students will work together to investigate how bio solutions impact our daily lives, and develop an understanding of the different job opportunities available from bio solutions companies. This project enhances students’ understanding of how to use critical thinking when evaluating resources, give and receive feedback, and communicate their research findings in a creative way.

Grade Level: 6-7

Content: Science, Project-Based Learning

About the Author

Headshot of GrahamHeather Graham is a sixth and seventh-grade Project-based learning (PBL) teacher at Pine Springs Preparatory Academy, in Holly Springs, NC. In her current position, she works to challenge students to think critically, collaborate, and create solutions.

She is a 2022-23 Kenan Fellow and has participated in the Nuggets on Mars project offered through the Koci Lab at NC State. In 2022-23, she was also selected as the Middle School Teacher of the Year by her peers and recognized by the Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce as the October Educator of the Month 2023.

About the Fellowship

Graham’s fellowship was supported by the Biogen Foundation. Her mentor during her industry immersion at Novozymes was Arlan Peters. During her time at Novozymes, Graham had the opportunity to and learn about different job opportunities within the company from research and development, and recovery to waste management. Graham also visited the company’s labs in RTP where she helped set up an experiment to test the effects of a protein on the growth of a plant similar in makeup to corn.

Essential Questions

How, as educators, can we create a classroom culture that promotes the 4Cs: collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity?

What are bio solutions and what are the ways they impact our daily lives?

What types of jobs are in biotechnology?

Time Needed

Time needed to prepare or gather and set up materials.- 1 -2 days

Time needed to facilitate the activity. 2-3 weeks

Time needed to wrap up/ review activity. 1 week


The North Carolina Portrait of a Graduate allows for deeper student learning and skill attainment and bridges the gap between K-12 education and workforce readiness.

LS.8.1.1 Construct an explanation to compare the basic characteristics of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites relating to the spread, treatment and prevention of disease.


To launch this PBL, students will visit a bio solutions company and watch a video to gain a basic understanding of bio solutions. Students will research what bio solutions are and the impacts they have on our daily lives. Students will be grouped to further research a particular bio solution and the companies that manufacture the product, as well as the types of jobs and job skills that are needed to work in this industry.


Download a PDF of the complete lesson.