Lesson Plan: History of Weather Forecasting and Meteorology

Modeled after one of the “Great Lessons” 

The History of Weather can be characterized as a theme-based unit to spark student interest in history and geography through the development of a timeline. The timeline will showcase how various civilizations have used weather forecasting throughout history. Connections can be made with the “fundamental needs of humans” lessons and extensions for physical sciences and geography.

Climate and geography affect the way people live and work. Because of this, humans have always tried to predict and explain weather by observing phenomena and collecting data. The opportunity for connections to the cultural curriculum abound and teachers are encouraged to look for these possibilities.

Origingally a Montessori lesson plan, this unit has been adapted for traditional school educators.

Grade Level: K-12 (Can be adapted for all levels)

Content: Earth Science, Social Studies

About the Author

Joy MasonHeadshot of Joy Mason, who created the history of weather lesson unit. is a 2023-24 Kenan Fellow and a Lower Elementary Teacher grades 1-3 at George Watts Montessori with Durham Public Schools. She has received numerous recognitions: Durham Public Schools Teacher of the Month, George Watts Montessori Teacher of the Year, and a Montessori Action Society Research Symposium contributor. Her fellowship industry immersion was with the State Climate Office of North Carolina, While there, Mason engaged in hands-on experiences including fieldwork with the Environment and Climate Observing Network (ECONet) team.

Activities and Materials

Presentation Materials

Picture cards depicting methods of weather forecasting at different points in history.

  • Labels: on one side, short titles related to the pictures; on the other side, a date (labels are pointed at one end for use with a timeline).
  • Sentence level text cards: one or two sentences corresponding to picture cards.
  • Advanced text cards: paragraphs corresponding to picture cards.


  • Artifacts and pictures related to the development of meteorology. This could be a series of mini-lessons or a large lesson in celebration of weather.

Impressionistic Level: Launch

The History of Meteorology is first presented as a story with picture cards to illustrate key points. 

  • Lay the cards in order, but do not place them on the timeline yet. Offer opportunities to engage students in storytelling. 
  • Lay out artifacts with picture cards. Allow students to engage with items like thermometers, rain gauges, photographs of weather journals, and documentation. 
  • It is not necessary to tell the whole story at one time since some children will not be able to engage for this long. The emphasis is sparking the interest of students and engaging them in exploration.

Label Level: Differentiation Level (Recall Level, level 1) 

  • Pre-readers to 3rd grade reading level
  • All students complete this level 
  • Mastery goal varies per student
  • Student level 1st grade

Do not present this level until students have had opportunities to be exposed to other timelines first.  Review the story of Weather. “Now we are going to look at the story and see where they occur on our timeline.”

  • First, unroll your timeline. Lay out each picture and label the card (date sides showing).
  • Begin by placing the date cards on the timeline in the correct place.  Once cards are placed on the timeline, flip over the date card to reveal the event.  
  • Match the picture cards with the appropriate date card on the timeline. Invite the children to finish the process and let them work. 
  • If they are unable to finish, leave out the work so they may finish the following day. Allow children to copy information into books or create posters. 
  • For an added difficulty level, scramble the dates and pictures and have children place them in order or on the timeline. 

Sentence Level: Differentiation level (skill/concept level, Level 2) 

  • Mastery goal varies per student
  • Student level 2nd grade

This level involves cards with more difficult sentences. Children work independently to match sentences to pictures, their labels, and ultimately the timeline. Children will be able to check their work with the control book provided. These sentences can also be used for sentence analysis work as well.  

Paragraph Level: Differentiation level (strategic thinking level, Level 3) 

  • Mastery goal varies per student
  • Student level 3rd grade

This level includes paragraphs of information for students to match with picture cards. They can be used by students to use in extension work such as summarizing, or presentations.

Extensions: Differentiation level (extended thinking, Level 4)