Lesson Plan: Life: Diversity to DNA

LIFE: From Diversity to DNA is a project that includes four middle school life science units designed by Jan Schuettpelz, Tracy Voreis, and Pat Shane. The project has been presented at the North Carolina Science Teachers’ Association Conference and the National Science Teachers’ Association Conference. The project units were designed with a threefold emphasis: incorporating literacy into science, providing real world applications for science knowledge, and using inquiry investigations and projects. Projects and investigations are assessed through rubrics designed for the units.

Learning Outcomes


The following is from http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/science/

The goal of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study(NCSCS) for Science is to achieve scientific literacy. The National Science Education Standards define scientific literacy as “the knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and processes required for scientific decision making, participation in civic and cultural affairs, and economic productivity.”

The tenets of scientific literacy include the ability to:

  • Find or determine answers to questions derived from everyday experiences.
  • Describe, explain, and predict natural phenomena.
  • Understand articles about science.
  • Engage in non-technical conversation about the validity of conclusions.
  • Identify scientific issues underlying national and local decisions.
  • Pose explanations based on evidence derived from one’s own work.

North Carolina students can achieve scientific literacy through an instructional program based on the science component of the Standard Course of Study for Science. The SCS is designed to merge unifying concepts of science, strands, content goals, and objectives.

These unifying concepts are:

  • Systems, Order and Organization
  • Evidence, Models, and Explanation
  • Constancy, Change, and Measurement
  • Evolution and Equilibrium
  • Form and Function

The strands include:

  • Nature of Science
  • Science as Inquiry
  • Science and Technology
  • Science in Social and Personal Perspectives

The K-8 Science program includes goals and objectives from Life, Physical, and Earth Sciences each year. The High School Program is based on discipline specific courses including Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Environmental Science, Physical Science and Physics. Advanced courses including AP® and IB courses are encouraged.



The cell unit teaches the students basic cellular theory. Before the students begin learning about the cell however, they are taken through a series of lessons to help them understand perspective. How small is microscopic? We then have the students engage in several projects and labs to understand the organelles of the cell and cellular processes. Please see the cell overview for more description on each of the individual lessons.

Each of these units is in a ZIP file (at the bottom of this page) with multiple Word documents. To unzip the files, use a program like WinZip.

Once the unit has been downloaded and unzipped, refer to the file named overview.doc for a description of the contents.

Supplemental Information:

Recommended Cell Unit Books

Title ISBN/
Order #
Vendor Unit(s) Type of Book/Used for
Zoom 140557741any booksellerCellWhole class picture book
ReZoom 014055694Xany booksellerCellOptional whole class picture book
Enjoy Your Cells AJS65982any booksellerCellTrade book/ Learning center/ read aloud/ reference
Cells by Silverstein076132254Xany booksellerCellTrade book/ Learning center/reference
What’s Smaller than a Pigmy Shrew? 807588385any booksellerCellTrade book/ Whole class read aloud
National Geographic’s Cells at Work Theme Set (4 titles)WE42099http://www.ngschoolpub
Cell/ Human BodyTrade book/ Learning center/ reference
National Geographic’s Reading Expeditions Looking At Cells (single title)WE41262http://www.ngschoolpub
CellTrade book/ Learning center/ reference
How Big 761315705used/rare booksellersCellTrade book/ Whole class read aloud
How Tall, How Short, How Far Away 823416321any booksellerCellTrade book/ Whole class read aloud
Cells are Us 0876146361any booksellerCell, human body, geneticsTrade book/ Learning center/reference
Cell Wars 087614637Xany booksellerCell, human bodyTrade book/ Reference
Animals Multicelled Life (Cells and Life Series)158810933Xany booksellerCell, human bodyTrade book/ Reference
World of the Cell: Life on a Small Scale (Cells and Life Series)1588109380any booksellerCellTrade book/ Reference
The Diversity of Life: From Singe Cells to Multicellular Organisms (Cells and Life Series)1588109356any booksellerCell, MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Plants & Fungi: Multicelled Life (Cells and Life Series)1588109372any booksellerCellTrade book/ Reference
Stem Cells (Science on the Edge) 1567117872Any booksellerCells, Human Body, GeneticsTrade book/ Reference
Extremely Weird Micro Monsters 156261293XAny booksellerCells, MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Hidden Worlds: Looking Through a Scientist’s Microscope 0618354050Any booksellerCells, MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Mini Beasts: The Microscopic World of Tiny Creatures 0789488477Any booksellerCells, MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Cells 0737706473Any booksellerCellsTrade book/ Reference
Cells 078916227XAny booksellerCellsTrade book/ Reference


The Microbes unit begins very broadly focusing on the spread of disease. The unit then narrows its focus to specifically examine protists, bacteria, and viruses individually. It can be taught in its entirety or broken down into individual lessons. Please see the Disease overview for more description about each lesson.

Each of these units is in a ZIP file (at the bottom of this page) with multiple Word documents. To unzip the files, use a program like WinZip.

Once the unit has been downloaded and unzipped, refer to the file named overview.doc for a description of the contents.

Supplemental Information:

Recommended Microbes Unit Books

TitleISBN/Order #VendorUnit(s)Type of Book/Used for
The Diversity of Life: From Singe Cells to Multicellular Organisms (Cells and Life Series)1588109356any booksellerCell, MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Human Body Systems Series by SilversteinER-45-6550set from Carolina Biological/ individual titles from booksellersHuman body/ MicrobesTrade book/ Reference (7 titles from Carolina; 8 th book available from other booksellers)
Achoo… The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about Germs1553374517Any booksellerHuman body/ microbesTrade book/ Reference
Germ Zappers 0879695986Any booksellerCells/ Human BodyTrade book/ Reference
Germs Make Me Sick 0064451542Any booksellerHuman Body/ MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
The Magic School Bus Inside Ralphie 0590400258Any booksellerHuman Body, MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
The Magic School Bus The Giant Germ 0439204208Any booksellerMicrobes/ Human BodyShort chapter novel/ literature circles/ enrichment/ extra credit
Guide to Microlife 0531111946Any booksellerMicrobesReference
The Germ Patrol 0963900285Any booksellerMicrobes/ Human BodyWhole class read aloud
Chickenpox 0531117820Any booksellerMicrobes / Human BodyTrade book/ Reference
Common Colds 0613310853Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Epilepsy 0736802789Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Hookworm 0737717815Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Lice 073771784XAny booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Ticks 0737717823Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Chiggers 0737717785Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Secret Worlds minibeasts 0789488477Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Hidden Worlds Looking Trough a Scientist’s Microscope 0618354050Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Mad Cow Disease 082393487xAny booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Polio Epidemic 0766015556MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
When Plague Strikes 0064461955Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Cholera 0791073033Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Epidemic 1556845463Any booksellerMicrobes MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
The Protists& Fungi Files 1587381338Only available on line with CD (www.discovery school.com) or at science teacher conferencesMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
The Greatest Killer Smallpox in History 0226351688Any booksellerMicrobesNonfiction novel – dense reading great infromation
The Ebola Virus 0737717807Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Ebola Virus 0766015955Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Mononucleosis 073680284Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Buzzwords in Microbiology 1878576089Any booksellerMicrobesReference
Skin Disorder 0791059839Any booksellerMicrobesTrade book/ Reference
Micro Monsters 156261293xAny booksellerMicrobes/ cellsTrade book/ Reference
National Geographic’s Reading Expeditions Finding the First Vaccine WE41433http://www.ngschool pub.org/c/@f.SLFg7
MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
The Hot Zone 0385479565Any booksellerMicrobesNonfiction- Literacy Circles
Fever 1793 0689848919Any booksellerMicrobesHistorical Fiction Literacy Circles
A Young Man’s Journey with AIDS 0531158926Any booksellerMicrobesNonfiction Literacy Circles
An American Plague 0395776082Any booksellerMicrobesNonficiton Literacy Circles


In this unit, students learn basic genetics concepts, discuss genetic engineering controversies, and explore the science of science fiction literature and movies. Students explore how chromosomes are passed from parents to children by doing a role play. They use FACES software to explore the complexity of human genetics. They watch movie clips from Gattaca and Multiplicity. As an interdisciplinary project, students participate in literature circle discussions around the books House of the Scorpion, Dr. Franklin’s Island, The Last Book in the Universe, and Ender’s Game. Students also grow Wisconsin Fastplants, explore the most effective ways of pollinating their plants, and selectively breed their plants for certain traits. Finally, they design a project during which they collect data and research about any human trait to try to determine whether or not it is a genetic trait.

Each of these units is in a ZIP file (at the end of this page) with multiple Word documents. To unzip the files, use a program like WinZip.

Once the unit has been downloaded and unzipped, refer to the file named overview.doc for a description of the contents.

Supplemental Information:

Recommended Genetics Unit Books

TitleISBN/Order #VendorUnit(s)Type of Book/Used for
Cells are Us 0876146361any booksellerCell, human body, geneticsTrade book/ Learning center/reference
Cell Division and Genetics (Cells and Life Series)1588109348any booksellerGeneticsTrade book/ Reference
DNA and Genetic Engineering (Cells and Life Series)1588109364any booksellerGeneticsTrade book/ Reference
Stem Cells (Science on the Edge) 1567117872Any booksellerCells, Human Body, GeneticsTrade book/ Reference
Double Talking Helix Blues 0879694319Any booksellerGeneticsIllustrated song lyrics and cassette; whole class sing-along
Amazing Schemes within Your Genes 0876146353Any booksellerGeneticsTrade book/ reference
Baa… The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about Genes and Cloning1550748866Any booksellerGeneticsTrade book/ Reference
Have a Nice DNA 0879696109Any booksellerGeneticsTrade book/ Reference
Gene Machines 0879696117Any booksellerGeneticsTrade book/ Reference
DNA is Here to Stay 0876146388Any booksellerGeneticsTrade book/ Reference
House of the Scorpion 0689852231



(unabridged cassette)

1402545568 (unabridged CD- library edition)

Any bookseller, CD only available from http://www.recorded books.comGeneticsScience fiction novel/ interdisciplinary unit/ literature circles/ enrichment/ extra credit
Dr. Franklin’s Island 0440237815



(unabridged cassette)

Any booksellerGeneticsScience fiction novel/ interdisciplinary unit/ literature circles/ enrichment/ extra credit
The Last Book in the Universe 0439087597 (paperback)

0807288438 (unabridged cassette)

Any booksellerGeneticsScience fiction novel/ interdisciplinary unit/ literature circles/ enrichment/ extra credit
National Geographic’s Reading Expeditions You and Your Genes (single title)WE41260http://www.ngschoolpub. org/c/@f.SLFg7zjwg0k/
GeneticsTrade book/ reference
National Geographic’s Reading Expeditions Uncovering the Structure of DNA (single title)WE41437http://www.ngschoolpub. org/c/@f.SLFg7zjwg0k/
GeneticsTrade book/ reference


This unit progresses from teacher-led activities that explore the nervous system to student-led projects and presentations that teach the class about the other body systems. Students act as neurons in a role play demonstrating how a message travels through the nervous system. They explore the different types of memory and design investigations to explore human memory and responses to stimuli. They research and create interactive group presentations to teach the class about a body system.

Each of these units is in a ZIP file (at the bottom of this page) with multiple Word documents. To unzip the files, use a program like WinZip.

Once the unit has been downloaded and unzipped, refer to the file named overview.doc for a description of the contents.

Supplemental Information:

Recommended Human Body Unit Books

TitleISBN/Order #VendorUnit(s)Type of Book/Used for
National Geographic’s Cells at Work Theme Set (4 titles)WE42099http://www.ngschool pub.org/c/@f.SLFg7
Cell/ Human BodyTrade book/ Learning center/ reference
Cells are Us 0876146361any booksellerCell, human body, geneticsTrade book/ Learning center/reference
Cell Wars 087614637Xany booksellerCell, human bodyTrade book/ Reference
Animals Multicelled Life (Cells and Life Series)158810933Xany booksellerCell, human bodyTrade book/ Reference
Bones: Our Skeletal System O-688-17721-2any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Eyes and Ears: O-688-15303-8any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Muscles: Our Muscular System 0-688-17720-4any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
The Heart 0-688-17059-5any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
The Brain 0-688-17060-9any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Guts: Our Digestive System 0060546514any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Fantastic Voyage 0553275720any booksellerHuman bodyNovel/ Literature circles/ Enrichment/ Extra credit
Human Body Systems Series by SilversteinER-45-6550set from Carolina Biological/ individual titles from booksellersHuman body/ MicrobesTrade book/ Reference (7 titles from Carolina; 8 th book available from other booksellers)
Brainbox 1855780968used/ rare booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
National Geographic’s Reading Expeditions Human Body Series (5 titles?)WE42061http://www.ngschool pub.org/c/@f.SLFg7
Human bodyTrade book/ Reference
Germ Zappers 0879695986Any booksellerCells/ Human BodyTrade book/ Reference
Grossology and You 0-843177-36-5Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Grossology 0-843149-14-0Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Odd Body 0740741888Any booksellerHuman BodyReference
Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn 0064451933Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Germs Make Me Sick 0064451542Any booksellerHuman Body/ MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
A Drop of Blood 006009110XAny booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Hear Your Heart 0064451399Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Skeleton Inside You 0064450872Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Your Skin and Mine 006445102XAny booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
What Happens to a Hamburger 0064451836Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Digestive System: Injury, Illness, and Health 1403404518Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Hormones: Injury, Illness, and Health 1403432996Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Reproductive System: Injury, Illness, and Health 1403404550Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Spinal Cord and Nerves: Injury, Illness, and Health 1403433011Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Brain: Injury, Illness, and Health 1403432961Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Heart and Blood: Injury, Illness, and Health 1403404526Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Lungs: Injury, Illness, and Health 1403404542Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Muscles: Injury, Illness, and Health 1403433003Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Bones: Injury, Illness, and Health 140340450XAny booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Yikes! Your Body Up Close 689815204Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Why don’t Haircuts Hurt? 0439085691Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Great Brain Book 0439458951Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body 0590414275Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses 0590446983Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Magic School Bus Inside Ralphie 0590400258Any booksellerHuman Body, MicrobesTrade book/ Reference
The Magic School Bus The Search for the Missing Bones 0439107997Any booksellerHuman BodyShort chapter novel/ literature circles/ enrichment/ extra credit
The Magic School Bus The Giant Germ 0439204208Any booksellerMicrobes/ Human BodyShort chapter novel/ literature circles/ enrichment/ extra credit
Stem Cells (Science on the Edge) 1567117872Any booksellerCells, Human Body, GeneticsTrade book/ Reference
Hmm… The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about Memory 1550745972Any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Zzz… The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about Sleep 1550749463Any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Achoo… The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about Germs1553374517Any booksellerHuman body/ microbesTrade book/ Reference
Burp… The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about Eating1550746014Any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Aha… The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about Intelligence1553375696Any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Wow… The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about the Five Senses1553376307Any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Brain Surgery for Beginners 0590031872Used/ rare booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
Poop: A Natural History of the Unmentionaable 0763624373Any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
From Head to Toe: The Amazing Human Body and How it Works 0823416992Any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
The Immune System 0737720778Any booksellerHuman BodyTrade book/ Reference
Reading Essentials in Science: Life Science/Human Body http://www.
Human BodyTrade book/ Reference
The Bone Detectives 0316829617Any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference
How Your Body Works O746023006Any booksellerHuman bodyTrade book/ Reference


LIFE Units

The project focuses on literacy through science notebooks, film clips, creative writing assignments, foldables, trade books, picture books, science fiction, and novels. In the units, student scientists use science notebooks to record their investigations, just as real scientists do. Literature is used as a reference tool for projects and investigations, a lesson “hook” during whole class read-alouds, and a discussion generator during literature circle groups.

The units show students how the science they learn is relevant to their lives. The students are exposed to bioethical issues related to each unit, and they have opportunities to express their own informed opinions about the issues through Paideia Seminars and writing assignments. From investigating genetic traits or diseases that affect their lives to reflecting on how their science knowledge can help them make choices that improve their personal health, application of content is a valuable part of each unit.

Students are encouraged to become lifelong seekers of knowledge through the project’s emphasis on inquiry. Students design questions to investigate and to research, and they solve medical and forensic mysteries. They create interactive presentations, giant models, and documentaries to teach their classmates and visiting students what they have learned.

The project includes four units: human body systems, genetics, cells, and microbes and disease designed to meet North Carolina Standard Course of Study Objectives for seventh and eighth grades. Each lesson plan includes how the lesson is linked to both state and national standards. The units cover the following content from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Competency Goals for Science:

  • 7th grade Competency Goal 4: The learner will conduct investigations, use models, simulations, and appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of the complementary nature of the human body system.
  • 7th Grade Competency Goal 5: The learner will conduct investigations and utilize appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of heredity and genetics.
  • 8th Grade Competency Goal 6: The learner will conduct investigations, use models, simulations, and appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of cell theory.
  • 8th Grade Competency Goal 7: The learner will conduct investigations, use models, simulations, and appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of microbiology.


You may also find additional resource information included with each lesson.

Supplemental Information:

Professional Books that Influence Our Teaching

TitleISBN/Order #VendorDescription
Nurturing Inquiry: Real Science for the Elementary Classroom 0325001359Any bookseller/ NSTACharles Pearce describes how he uses inquiry periods, discovery boxes, the Kids’ Inquiry Conference, and more to set up an inquiry-rich environment in this amazing book that definitely extends beyond the elementary age group! He also provides useful forms for tracking student inquiry. For anyone frustrated with the misuse of the word “inquiry” as a buzz word synonymous with “hands-on,” this book describes true inquiry: students asking questions, designing investigations, and sharing their findings.
Beyond the Science Fair: Creating a Kids’ Inquiry Conference 0325007349Any booksellerEngage kids in the work that real scientists do. Students design their own investigations, write science journal articles, and present their investigations at a non-competitive conference. The students’ preparation is done in the classroom, and this book provides useful student forms as well as step-by-step organizational instructions for the teacher.
Big Book of Science 1882796187Any booksellerLearn how to make foldables to help your students learn science topics.
Reading for Understanding 0787950459Any booksellerLearn how to use Reading Apprenticeship strategies in content-area middle and high school classrooms to help students understand text.
Nonfiction Matters 1571100725Any booksellerLearn how to engage students in nonfiction research and writing through inquiry and project-based learning.
Reading Reasons 1571103562Any booksellerFind mini-lessons that teach students reasons that reading is important and help them internalize the importance that reading will play in their lives.
Science Workshop 0325005109Any booksellerThis book is another resource to help teachers implement inquiry-periods, the Kids’ Inquiry Conference, and reading and writing in the science classroom.
Science As Inquiry 0673577317Any booksellerThis book gives explanations of different types of inquiry, ideas for using inquiry in your classroom, and sample lesson plans.
Bottle Biology 0757500943Any booksellerThis book teaches readers how to build different ecosystems using plastic bottles, and it gives them teaching ideas for using these ecosystems.
Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites 0761938818Any booksellerLearn 20 teaching strategies that engage students’ brains and enhance their memory. Marcia Tate has compiled brain research into this practical book for teachers.
How the Brain Learns 0761977651Any booksellerThis book has explanations of how the brain works and the teaching implications of this research. Teaching strategies and reflection questions and surveys are included.
Teaching with the Brain in Mind 1416600302Any bookseller/ NSTAThis is a relatively short book that addresses how the brain works, motivation, attention, and provides some brain-based teaching strategies.
The Power of Their Ideas 0807031135Any booksellerAlthough this book is more about school reform than teaching strategies, it is an inspiring read for everyone. You will want to start your own school after reading this book!
What Do I Do When…? How to Achieve Discipline with Dignity in the Classroom 1879639211Any booksellerThis book is a practical guide to dealing with many different discipline situations.

About the Authors

These authors below have contributed significantly to the creation of these units and activities for all teachers to employ.

Below are introductions and achievements as well as a way to contact them.

Tracy Voreis
Tracy Voreis is a National Board Certified Teacher who has been teaching seventh grade science at Durham School of the Arts (DSA) in Durham, North Carolina since 2000. She is certified to teach middle grades science and language arts. Teaching middle school students at a Breakthrough program called Summerbridge Fort Worth during the summers of 1996-1998 inspired her to become a middle school science teacher. As a Morehead Scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she had the opportunity to attend the North Carolina Outward Bound School, to work at Summerbridge Fort Worth, and to observe in Japanese schools for five weeks as a part of the scholarship’s summer experiences. After graduating from UNC with a B.A. in Education in 1999, she spent one year working with her former summer students at Summerbridge Fort Worth full-time as the Dean of Faculty and Alumni Coordinator. Since beginning her teaching career, she has earned over $18,000 in grants including grants from the Durham Public Education Network, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Toshiba America Foundation, the North Carolina Biotechnology Center, and North Carolina’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. She was selected as DSA’s Teacher of the Year in 2001-2002, and she was named a Kenan Fellow in 2003. She was a co-instructor for a university life science course through UNC for Durham Public School teachers in 2005 as part of a subcontract from the State Department of Education. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband who is a physics teacher at DSA, playing with her golden retriever puppy, mentoring two girls through the Big Sib program, coaching and playing softball, and skiing.

Contact: tvoreis@gmail.com

Jan Schuettpelz
Jan Schuettpelz has been teaching seventh grade science at Durham School of the Arts in Durham, North Carolina since 2002. Prior to that she taught elementary school in Durham and in Milwaukee, WI. She is certified to teach 1st through 8th grades. Her undergraduate degree is in urban elementary education and was earned at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Jan recently earned her master’s degree from UNC-Chapel Hill in middle grades science teaching. In 2001 she developed inquiry curriculum kits for fourth grade teachers. At Durham School of the Arts, Jan has coached the Science Olympiad team since 2003, run the Environmental Club since 2002, and taught a Math and Science enrichment class since 2002. Since her time in North Carolina, Jan has earned over $15,000 in grants including Toyota Tapestry for science in literacy, grants from the Durham Public Education Network, and North Carolina’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. She was selected as DSA’s Teacher of the Year in 2003-2004, and was named a Kenan Fellow in 2003. She was a co-instructor for a university life science course through UNC for Durham Public School teachers in 2005 as part of a subcontract from the State Department of Education. In her free time she enjoys rock climbing and swimming with her master’s swim team.

Contact: jschuettpelz@me.com

Dr. Pat Shane
Dr. Pat Shane is the Associate Director of the Center for Mathematics and Science Education (CMSE) and a Clinical Associate Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a past president of the National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA) and the North Carolina Science Leadership Association (NCSLA), and she continues to be very active in those organizations as well as the National Science Teachers’ Association (NSTA) and North Carolina Science Teachers’ Association (NCSTA). She is a GEMS (Great Explorations in Math and Science) site director. In addition to working with Tracy Voreis and Jan Shuettpelz as their Kenan Fellows mentor, she has also worked with them through the Life Science Course of the Middle Grades Math and Science Partnership for Durham Public Schools.

Contact: pshane@unc.edu