##Carrie Jones
 Carrie Jones (Class of 2008) was recently elected Director of [National Science Teachers Association] [nsta] District VI. She will represent North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee for the next three years. Jones is a teacher at [Middle Creek High School] [mchs] in Wake County.
##Justin Osterstrom
Justin Osterstrom (Class of 2011) received the K-8 Outstanding Educator Award in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education awarded by the [North Carolina Center for Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education.] [SMT]
Osterstrom has developed unique and innovative curriculum that allows elementary students to engage in the engineering process in the classroom. These lessons are creative and specific to the needs of students and the curriculum at each grade level. He has already begun to share his materials with teachers across the state and has received requests to provide professional development workshops as well. Learn more about the award [here] [SMT-award].
[nsta]: http://www.nsta.org/ “National Science Teachers Association”[mchs]: http://middlecreekhs.wcpss.net/ “Middle Creek High School”
[SMT]: http://www.ncsmt.org/newsletter.php?action=Detail&id=536&categoryid=3 “North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center”
[SMT-award]: http://www.ncsmt.org/prog.awards.educatorK8.php “Awards: Outstanding K-8 Educator Award in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education”