Social Media Pros/Cons

1. 24/7 learning-Social media allows students to partake in learning 24/7.  I use Edmodo in my classroom.  Students are constantly posting questions; answering other classmates’ questions, and adding links and video clips that expand on what we are learning in class.  For example, we learned how Forensic Scientists use physical and chemical properties of matter to solve crimes, which shows students that adults sill use what they learned in the sixth grade.  I had a student go home and research higher education institutions, in the area, with Science programs and added the information to our Edmodo site.  What a great extension!!


2. Safe Learning- I remember my parents telling me the difference between their generation and mine is they have embarrassing moments hidden in a shoe box in the back of a closet, while my generation’s are plastered on a webpage for everyone to see.  It appears social media will be around for quite some time.  Showing students the different uses for social media in the school setting will teach them how to capitalize on this technology for their benefit, and hopefully not come back to haunt them in the future.

3. Maturity Level-My little middle schoolers would have a hard time with an open social media source like Twitter or Instagram.  I think teachers need to be careful in selecting “age appropriate” tools.  Edmodo works well for middle schoolers, because they have all the benefits of communicating with peers, however it is in a structured and safe environment.  I do not have to worry about classmates carrying on inappropriate conversations across our classroom platform.

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