More For Your Money

Blogging.  When I hear this word I picture someone sitting down to their desk to write about some trend in order to paint themselves as an internet expert in the area.  I didn’t think blogging was for me.  After all, what do I have to say that is important or worth reading?  I found through completing the blogs that the writer gets more out of it than  the intended audience.  Having to write a blog forced me to reflect and think about what was happening.  Knowing someone was going to read my reflections challenged me to be creative and concise.  I enjoyed sharing what I was experiencing and receiving feedback from my peers. I would love to have a classroom blog (still thinking about this one).  It is kind of ironic that I started this “blogging” process with a distorted view, and now I have to keep another blog for a new fellowship.  I will be studying the integration of writing and technology through NC State.  We also will be traveling to the University of Surrey, England for some of our course work.  I am excited to have a platform to share what I am learning and experiencing abroad.  I have included the link below if you are interested in my experience or interested in being a part of this experience next year.

This was an amazing year!

