The End is Just a New Beginning

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After working on the products for almost a year, it feels odd to have my products finished; I feel like I should still have edits to make. The process was long, but worthwhile. I am proud of the lessons I created through my Kenan Fellowship. I would like to see my chemistry lesson used by teachers across the state, and I will start by sharing it with the Wake County Chemistry PLT. The chemistry teachers in my school plan to use this lesson to teach gas laws. The Programming in Theatre lesson plan will be used by our apparel teacher with her upper level students next year. I am creating an Elsa cosplay using the lesson, which will be used to demonstrate the lesson to the students, before they create their own product. I am using the sample code provided in the lesson to create the code needed for the fiber optics which will be run through the cape of the Elsa cosplay.

Sample Arduino Code