Sensors in Science

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I will be incorporating the use of sensors into my Chemistry and Earth Science classes.  Chemistry will be using the sensors to understand variables (temperature, humidity, light intensity) in the laboratory setting and how those variables can effect lab results.  Students will need to explore variables and make hypotheses about the effects, before conducting a lab to test their hypothesis.

Earth Science will use the sensors in the meteorology unit to make predictions about the effects of variables (light intensity, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure) on weather patterns.  Students will collect data and hypothesize future weather.  Students will graph and analyze data.

1 thought on “Sensors in Science

  1. tmartinez

    The scientific method is something I teach in my 6th grade ELA class as well. The science teacher and I usually plan our lessons around the experiment that she is planning. I concentrate on the Informal text aspect and how to read science experiments and she focuses on actually performing the experiences. It is important for the students to have the foundation before starting the experiments and that is where I come in. Good Luck.

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