I am woman hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore. And I know to much to go back and pretend.
The above is a quote from a famous song, and it often pops into my head when I am feeling a little full of myself. However, I feel like it is fitting for my present situation. I am so proud to be a woman working with other brilliant women in a science lab. I feel like I have to change my approach to life because I can’t pretend that this experience hasn’t changed who I am. (Okay so maybe I am feeling a little full of myself.) 🙂
Day 1 (of Week 3) in Raleigh
So we had a bit of a stressful (but exciting) start to our week. We were the first Team to give our Daily Planet Talk. It went well, but I just hope that some people thought it was funny. I tried to make it fun. I changed my speech several times before I was happy with it.
I will have to attach a video or a picture of our talk.
We spent the rest of our time on the Maze Runner Bacteria Lesson Plan (writing it and taking educational photos to upload). We took pictures as we remade our petri dishes that became contaminated, and I had fun like normal.
We spent some of our day making pictures to accompany the Maze Runner Bacteria Lesson Plan. This particular picture shows the daily photo card filled out with the maze fully assembled.
Day 2 (of Week 3) in Raleigh
I don’t have very many pictures to share from today. However, today was even better than yesterday. Today we accomplished a lot on our second lesson plan, BLAST That, DNA!
The last time that we talked about DNA Blasting becoming a lesson, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to connect it well enough to my 7th grade curriculum. However, I had more than one break through today. I have to give a shout out to one of my co-workers from Valley Springs Middle School, Ansley Fox. We have grown from a student-teacher relationship into co-workers. This past year he was talking to me about a PBS program that he had been watching on TV, Finding Your Roots. Because of him, I found a new and interesting connection to have my students make in the classroom to DNA sequencing and DNA testing.
I had a second breakthrough that utilizes Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets along with historical scientific women!!!!
We also spent some time today listening to the Ant Team give a Daily Planet Talk. They were fantastic! They really got the audience involved and interacting with them. Great teaching moment!
Day 3 (of Week 3) in Raleigh
We began the day by giving student tours to rising 12th grades at the Governor’s School. That was fun, and it reminded me why I am a teacher.
Team Emammal gave a wonderful presentation. I don’t have any pictures because I forgot my camera!!! Silly person.
Then we spend a lot of our time on lesson planning. I am feeling pretty accomplished when it comes to these lesson plans. They might not be pretty, but if the students and teachers have buy-in this could be some really cool stuff.
We decided to isolate some bacteria and test the DNA! I am hoping to do this in my classroom this coming school year! Yay us at VSMS!
We had a focus group at the end of the day, but the DNA sampling was my favorite part of the day.
Day 4 (of Week 3) in Raleigh
We gave more student tours today to rising 9th graders with the Students Discover School Camp. I didn’t take any pictures, but I felt my teacher vibe come out. I felt the energy spread from me into the kids. It was great. I forget sometimes how one person can change the feel in the room. I spent part of the morning talking to kids about their breakfast.
The #DinoStars gave their presentation, and it was great!
We spent a little more time today lesson planning. Again, I am feel good about this. It’s going to be great. I can just feel it. I think if I can pair up with Kate and we can do some district wide PD, then we can really turn some of these teachers onto really teaching science while DOING science in class.
So, yesterday we isolated 10 different samples of bacteria DNA. Then we placed them into little tubes with enzymes to break the DNA apart in a specific pattern. Today, was the real test our our #TeamSoil brilliance.
I am already missing our Doc. Today was our last day with Dr. Julia Stevens. She left this afternoon on a plan to participate in an interview Far Far Away.
Today had another LAST. It was our last night of PD. Thank you to Dr. Julie Urban who made that happen.
Day 5 (of Week 3) in Raleigh
It is over!!! I am devastated that my intern or extern – ship is over. I had the time of my life at the Museum of Natural Sciences.
Our last day, was amazing (even though Dr. Julia Stevens was MIA).