Instructional Technology Coach
Guilford County Schools
Mentor: Michael Connet, Nortel
Sponsor: Nortel LearniT Program
e-teacher Training: 21st Century Training for the Classroom
Kenan Fellow Gail Holmes is teaming with Michael Connet, from the educational department of Nortel LearnIt, to create a hub of internet resources that can be used by teachers to enhance learning. In addition to the hub of resources, an online course will be created to assist teachers in collaborating, sharing, and discussing strategies for effective technology integration. The collaboration with Mr. Connet will provide strategies and resources that can be used by students as well as teachers and can be integrated effectively in all subject areas. The resources will focus on 21st Century technology tools and skills as well as project and inquiry-based classroom activities including: 1) enhancing vocabulary through gaming, 2) using multimedia to visually present data and effectively reach a variety of learning styles and 3) build a global community of educators to motivate and support a diverse population of learners who are being educated to meet the needs for a job force that has yet to be defined. Mrs. Holmes’ project will engage students by introducing lessons to encourage the use of GPS devices, podcasting, and web 2.0 tools such as kmz files for creating resources for google earth, Audacity for creating podcasts, Photostory3 for creating vodcasts and others. After being introduced to a variety of tools, students will select the appropriate tool to complete projects and present findings as assigned by the classroom teacher.