A Happy Parent is an Informed Parent


Parents struggle making the transition from elementary school to middle school, right along with their students.  Parents and students need to adapt to this new way of independent learning, including larger schools, more teachers, online learning, new grading policies, etc,  Parents tend to struggle and become overwhelmed with these changes, which can ultimately cause problems for the teacher.  This year I am trying to make things easier for parents.  After learning about infographics I thought what an amazing tool this could be for parents.  I sat down and changed my class letter into a visual format.  This classroom infograpic is a simple visual tool that anyone can read and understand.  I have attached a copy of my infographic to my post.  But what I want to know is, do any of you have successful ways of giving parents information upfront (I use edmodo, too)? I am trying to be strategic this year with frontloading information for my parents, in hopes to prevent headaches throughout the year.


6 thoughts on “A Happy Parent is an Informed Parent

  1. clowman

    This is such an awesome example of putting your new experiences into a meaningful implementation for what you already use. This is so exciting! Thanks so much for sharing this with us 🙂

  2. ktufts

    I absolutely LOVE your infographic syllabus! I don’t know how I can translate that to my content area, but I sure am going to try because this is very inspiring!

  3. khaddy

    Erin this is absolutely amazing! What a cool way to get clear information across to parents. I admit that my beginning-of-year rules/syllabus packet is extremely cumbersome and frankly boring—kids never seem to remember the policies anyway until I tell them a million times :-/ This is much more accessible. Which program did you use?

    I would also like to front load parents with info—the fewer last-minute panicked phone calls, the better.

  4. dfurr

    I love this too, Erin!! Great idea!! Which program did you use? I want to try this too! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Erin Lawrence Post author

    Hey all!
    I used http://www.easel.ly/. It seemed to fit my needs the best (ps it does not work on old internet explorer, I had to download google chrome). I am glad you liked it. I also had a long, cumbersome letter. I plan to have the details available on my edmodo website, but will only hand out the infographic during the first days of school and open house.

    Here’s to happy parents!

  6. asolano

    I have a soft spot in my heart for infographics! This is a great one. What an excellent way to express your ideas.

    Love it.
