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Motion and Design

Lesson 17: Refining Our Design

  1. Review handout 14-A to determine materials needed.
  2. Collect materials.
  3. Begin construction of the design.
  4. Test the design.
  5. Modify the design.
  6. Using handout 13-A as reference, students determine the cost of their design and discuss cost effectiveness in their group.
  7. Students create a technical drawing of their final vehicle.
      1. Students glue handout 13-A into their science notebooks.
      2. Students glue the technical drawing (top, side, front optional) into their science notebooks.
      3. Students reflect on the construction process: Sample questions for beginnings:
        1. What worked well?
        2. How did your vehicle change from the original plan?
        3. Explain your procedure for testing the effectiveness of the car.
  8. Students begin to plan their presentation for lesson 16 (discuss presentation expectations).