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Motion and Design

Lesson 3: Using Drawings to Record and Build

  1. Distribute graph paper, circle templates, and colored pencils.
  2. Discuss technical designs and why they are useful. Use page 7 in the student guide as an example. Show samples of student work.
  3. SCIENCE NOTEBOOK: On graph paper, students will use their construction from lesson 1 to create an illustration (technical drawing) of the vehicle. Remind students to write a date in the science notebook.
  4. Share and discuss technical drawings.
  5. SCIENCE NOTEBOOK: After the drawing is complete, respond to the following question: If you were to build the same vehicle again, what features on the drawing would make it easy to build?
  6. Discuss ideas from the science notebook question on what component(s) of the vehicle should be changed/altered and why.
  7. Discuss perspective and have students construct the vehicle on page 7 of the student activity book (materials listed on page 35 of teacher’s guide).
  8. SCIENCE NOTEBOOK: Students complete LOL in notebook after construction complete—line of learning discusses what the student learned from the lesson. The LOL also may include a content blast.
  9. Class discussion using questions on page 34 of teacher’s guide:
    1. How is your own drawing similar to or different from the technical drawing?
    2. On the technical drawing what do you notice about the two views of the vehicle? How are they alike? How are they different?
    3. What parts of the technical drawing might make it easy for you to build this vehicle? What parts make it difficult?
    4. How does color help in the drawing?
    5. If students finish early, read the selection about “The Race That Wasn’t Run” beginning on page 9 of the student book.
    6. Keep the standard vehicle assembled.