Kelly Allen

Kelly Allen teaches chemistry and biology at East Chapel Hill High School in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School System, where she was selected as the 2005-2006 East Chapel Hill High School Teacher of the Year. She also earned her national board certification in 2005. Kelly’s project, Chemistry Application of Nanotechnology and Nanocrystalline Materials – A Gaming Simulation, will help students experience the growing impact of some of the world’s smallest substances. Dr. Carl Koch and Dr. Ron Scattergood from NC State University’s Department of Materials Engineering will serve as Kelly’s mentors.

Katheryn Cooper

Katheryn Cooper is an environmental science teacher at High Point Central High School in Guilford County. Katheryn has received several grants during her teaching career, including an Earthwatch Teacher Research Grant to help create safe zones for migrating and breeding marine animals. Katheryn will continue her work protecting marine life with The Effects of Global Climate Change on Marine Ecology: A Game for Environmental Science, a project that will help her students understand how even small climate changes can have a big impact on the ecosystem of the sea. Her mentor is Duke University associate professor of environmental science and biology Dr. Rob Jackson.

Brianna Corke

Brianna Corke teaches 4th grade at Carrboro Elementary School in the Chapel-Hill Carrboro School System. Brianna’s project, Exploring Electricity through Non-Fiction Writing for English Language Learners, strives to give students a strong foundation in science, while increasing English language skills, especially for English language learners. The project will also provide other science educators with a framework for inquiry based learning units. Dr. William Schmidt of Meredith College’s Physical Sciences Department is Brianna’s mentor.

Carrie Jones

Carrie Jones teaches earth science and chairs the science department at Middle Creek High School in Wake County. She is also currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Science Education at NC State University. Combining science and social studies, Carrie’s project, Analyzing North Carolina Water Quality Using GIS Technology In the Classroom: A Game for Earth and Environmental Science, will allow students to analyze water quality and then use GIS resources to map their results. Carrie’s mentor is NC State University professor Dr. Hugh Devine.

Dr. Brad Miller

Dr. Brad Miller, who earned his Ph.D. in physics from Georgia Tech, is a physics teacher at East Chapel Hill High School in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School System. Through his project, Brad seeks to bridge the gap between modern physics research and classical physics education practices. Physics and Nanomaterials will bring cutting-edge physics discoveries into the classroom through a website with lessons for teachers and interactive modules for students. Brad’s mentors are Dr. Carl Koch and Dr. Ron Scattergood from NC State University’s Department of Materials Engineering.

Roxanne Moses

Roxanne Moses teaches 6th grade mathematics, science, and social studies at East Mooresville Intermediate School in the Mooresville Graded School District. Previously, Roxanne taught in Weedsport, New York, where she was Teacher of the Year in 2000. NASA also selected Roxanne to participate in their teacher-training program. Roxanne will show students what auto racing can teach them about physics through her project, Science in Motorsports. Her mentors are NC State University associate professors Dr. Ed Maxa and Eric Klang and Nascar Relations Director John Dodson.

Chad Ogren

Chad Ogren is a science teacher at WG Enloe High School in Wake County, where he was also the Envirothon Team Advisor of the year for 2003. Chad’s project, Entomology and the Environment – A Virtual Gaming Experience, will demonstrate to students the vital role insects play in an ecosystem. NC State University entomology professor Dr. John Meyer is Chad’s Mentor.

Jodi Riedel

Jodi Riedel teaches agricultural education at Wakefield High School in Wake County. Serving as an advisor, she has helped both the Wake County 4-H and Wakefield High School earn 1st place at the North Carolina State Fair in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Jodi’s project, Sustainable Forestry: Promising Silviculture for Centuries, will help students understand the importance of forestland and the impact of deforestation, especially for those students in urban areas where schools lack access to forests. Dr. Susan Moore, Director of the Forestry and Environmental Outreach Program at NC State University, is Jodi’s Mentor.

Stephen Roman

Stephen Roman teaches chemistry and physical science at Lee County High School in Sanford. Stephen earned his Ed. S. degree in science education from Rutgers University. His project, Modeling in Chemistry: The Development of Atomic Theory, seeks to transform instruction of atomic theory from a passive history lesson into an active process of evaluating evidence, models, and the explanations provided by these models. Stephen’s mentor is Dr. Maria Oliver-Hoyo, associate professor of chemistry at NC State University.

Laura Ruble

Laura Ruble teaches biology at Durham School of the Arts in the Durham Public Schools district, where she has served on textbook selection committees for both Durham Public Schools and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Laura seeks to prepare students for the real-world demands of science researchers through her project, Understanding How Genes Code for Proteins: An Innovative Video Game for High School Biology, which will address the bioinformatics research of many leading North Carolina research firms. Dr. Steve Clouse, professor of horticultural science at NC State University, is Laura’s mentor.

Matthew Sears

Matthew Sears is a mathematics teacher at Hillside High School in Durham, where he has led Algebra I End of Course scores as both a first year and second year teacher. Matthew’s project, Algebra 1 for Everyone: Gaming in Mathematics, will allow middle and high school students will engage the NCSCOS’s Algebra 1 Objectives in an interactive, computer gaming environment. This highly realistic gaming experience is on par with games students play at home has students exploring worlds searching for characters in an environment that is mentally demanding and that focuses on delivering relevant examples of Algebra concepts–organization of data, geometry and measurement, modeling of linear equations. A priority is placed on making these games culturally relevant for all of North Carolina’s students. This project is part of the Hi-Fives (Highly Interactive Fun Internet Virtual Environments in Science) Grant under Dr. Len Annetta of NC State University. Dr. P. Masila Mutisy of NC Central University is Matthew’s mentor.

Katherine Smyre

Katherine Smyre teaches 7th grade science at West Cary Middle School in Wake County. Through her project, A Day in the Park: Invasive Species and the Arts, Katherine will develop tools to help teachers take advantage of the North Carolina Museum of Art Nature Park and research the invasive plant species restoration that is occuring there. Students will learn about science as well as create art from their research. Dr. Rita Hagevik, NC A & T, and Joseph Covington, of the North Carolina Museum of Art, are Katherine’s mentors.

Susan Taylor

Susan Taylor teaches civics and economics to 10th grade students at Panther Creek High School in Cary. Susan was the 2004-2005 Teacher of the Year at Leesville Road High School and the 2005 BB&T/NCEE Economics Educator of the Year. Susan also co-wrote the Wake County Public School System Curriculum Guide for civics and economics. Susan will seek to provide students a better understanding of how the US economy functions, as well as the role North Carolina plays in the global economy, through her project North Carolina’s Role within the Global Economy: A Resource for Economic Education. Susan’s mentor is Dr. Daniel Phaneuf, Associate professor of economics at NC State University.